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Kardemir, Turkey's Steel Giant to Pump $1 Billion into Expansion Plans by 2028
  • 05-Apr-2023 03:31 PM
  • Journalist: Jai Sen

Turkey: Turkish long Steel producer, Kardemir, revealed its 2022 performance evaluation and future inves... Read More

Japanese Company Commits to Building the World's Biggest Steel Plant in Odisha
  • 05-Apr-2023 03:16 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

New Delhi: According to a statement made by NSC's President Eiji Hashimoto to the Chief Minister of ... Read More

Global Zinc Production Faces Threat from Schedule Closures and Capacity Shortage
  • 05-Apr-2023 02:38 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

In 2022, global Zinc production experienced a decline of 1.2% to sit at 12.8 million tonnes (mt) following a rebound from Covid-19... Read More

Mitsubishi Gas Chemical to Exhibit Advance Materials Divisions at JEC World Paris
  • 05-Apr-2023 12:16 PM
  • Journalist: Sasha Fernandes

France: Mitsubishi Gas Chemical America (MGCA) has announced that the Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Group will... Read More

