

Government Reverses Decision to Increase Chemical Fertilizer Prices and Cut Subsidies
Government Reverses Decision to Increase Chemical Fertilizer Prices and Cut Subsidies

Government Reverses Decision to Increase Chemical Fertilizer Prices and Cut Subsidies

  • 21-Mar-2023 12:24 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Kathmandu: The government has reversed their decision to cut subsidies on chemical fertilizers, meaning prices will remain stable. Cabinet members met this morning and determined that the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development's original decision should be overturned.

The government spokesperson Rekha Sharma has stated that subsidies will remain unchanged until a thorough study of the issue is completed. She added that the government plans to make the process for distributing fertilizer more efficient and methodical.

The prices of chemical fertilizers have gone up due to the recent decision to cut subsidies. A kilogram of urea is now Rs 11 more expensive than before, while DAP and potash are Rs 7 and Rs 9 costlier per kilogram respectively.

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