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The Divergent Market Sentiments for Caustic Potash Results Cautious Price Approach Globally
  • 06-Nov-2023 03:07 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

The Caustic Potash prices in the global market exhibited contradicting fluctuations in October 2023 as the higher upstream prices overshadowed dema... Read More

Berlin Packaging Collaborates with APR to Evaluate the Recyclability of PET Bottles
  • 06-Nov-2023 02:38 PM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

Berlin Packaging has joined forces with the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR), a US-based nonprofit organization, to initiate a sample bottle pr... Read More

US Naphtha Price Decline Amidst Crude Oil Fluctuations and Geopolitical Tensions
  • 06-Nov-2023 02:20 PM
  • Journalist: Emilia Jackson

In the first week of November 2023, the US Naphtha market witnessed a 0.5% price decline, primarily attributed to the global downturn in Crude Oil va... Read More

Co-Owner of Xcel's Latest and Final Coal Plant Receives Legal Victory After a Year-Long Electricity Shutdown
  • 06-Nov-2023 01:48 PM
  • Journalist: Kim Chul Son

A recent verdict delivered by a jury in the Denver District Court has awarded an electricity distributor a substantial sum of $26.45 million followin... Read More

