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Lukewarm Downstream Demand and Ample supply weigh on the US ortho-Xylene Prices
  • 21-Jun-2024 06:19 PM
  • Journalist: Rene Swann

Texas, (US): Ortho-xylene (o-xylene) prices have witnessed renewed downward adjustments across the US market during the secon... Read More

CARBIOS and TOMRA Textiles Collaborate to Boost Polyester Textile Circularity
  • 21-Jun-2024 06:12 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

CARBIOS (Euronext Growth Paris: ALCRB), a trailblazer in advancing biological technologies to revolutionize the life cycle of plastic and textiles, a... Read More

Global Glycerine Prices Set to Climb in Major Markets Amid Strong Oleochemical Demand
  • 21-Jun-2024 05:59 PM
  • Journalist: Stella Fernandes

The global Glycerine market is experiencing a significant upward trend in prices, with both major exporting and importing countries witnessing increa... Read More

Dimethyl Sulphate Prices on the Rise Amidst Strong Demand in the USA
  • 21-Jun-2024 05:51 PM
  • Journalist: Patricia Jose Perez

Texas (USA): After mid-May 2024, Dimethyl sulphate (DMS) prices in the USA continued their upward trajectory due to several k... Read More

