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Shell to Shift Focus to Hydrogen and Power Trading Business as a Part of its Smart Growth Plans
  • 01-Feb-2021 11:00 AM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Royal Dutch Shell, a multinational petrochemical company, has announced its vision to seek opportunities in biofuel market along with exploring rapid growth options in establishing a Hydrogen ec... Read More

Assam Petro-Chemical to Commission its Methanol Plant Soon
  • 29-Jan-2021 12:00 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Assam’s Petro Chemical, a renowned public sector petrochemical company in India has announced that its’ much awaited project is ready for commissioning. The project comprises a Metha... Read More

With New Start-Ups Venturing into Polyethylene Terephthalate Recycling, India Accelerates Battle with the Plastic Waste
  • 29-Jan-2021 11:00 AM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

India is an active generator of more than 10 million plastic waste in a year and this drives the attention of the polymer producing belts of the nation to navigate the adoption of reused plastic... Read More

Indian Chlor-Alkali Industry Seeks Government Support to Emerge from the Pandemic Crisis
  • 27-Jan-2021 06:00 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Indian Chlor-Alkali players have revealed that it may take longer than expected for the domestic Chlor-Alkali demand to reach pre-Covid levels. Market players believe that the present duty level... Read More

