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Chinese Butadiene Negotiations Rebound After a Week's Decline Here's Why
  • 18-May-2022 11:28 AM
  • Journalist: Xiang Hong

Mumbai, India: Butadiene prices have witnessed a trend reversal in the Chinese market. The price of Butadiene changed little as it... Read More

Why global Sodium Lignosulphonate prices are on uptrend
  • 18-May-2022 08:39 AM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Global inflationary pressure has been a major concern for market players as, despite demand dullness, prices have risen across the global market. ChemAnalyst d... Read More

Paraxylene market rebounded this week! Here’s why
  • 18-May-2022 08:29 AM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

Shanghai, China: The Paraxylene market strengthened this week, supported by the stronger performance of feedstock Crude oil. Crude... Read More

Fluctuation in Bisphenol A: market began to stabilize in China
  • 18-May-2022 08:22 AM
  • Journalist: Li Hua

Bisphenol A values witnessed a stable trend in the Chinese market the previous day. The rise in feedstock prices, stabilization in... Read More

