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Sufficient Inventories Causing Steady Acrylamide Prices Trend in India
  • 20-Jun-2022 09:02 AM
  • Journalist: Jai Sen

Due to stable market sentiments, Acrylamide prices in India have witnessed stability since May. Growing awareness over water management and increasin... Read More

Asian Crackers Stick with Naphtha Despite Cheaper LPG As a Feedstock
  • 17-Jun-2022 06:28 PM
  • Journalist: Yage Kwon

Petrochemical crackers usually switch from Naphtha to LPG as an alternate cracker feedstock when they get better margins than using Naphtha as a feed... Read More

Acetic Acid Market Values are Continuing to Deteriorate
  • 17-Jun-2022 06:23 PM
  • Journalist: Jung Hoon

Tianjin, China: Despite stability in feedstock Methanol prices, Acetic Acid values have consistently been declining in the Chinese domestic market. D... Read More

China’s Phenol Prices Trend Continues to Witness a Steady Rise
  • 17-Jun-2022 06:13 PM
  • Journalist: Kim Chul Son

Phenol prices have been witnessing a slight uptrend in the local Chinese market since the previous week. The stable demand from the consumer end and ... Read More

