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Benzene Prices on the Rise in China, Key Drivers Being Limited Availability and Robust Demand
  • 21-May-2021 07:00 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

The Chinese Benzene market has been heard grappling with supply tightness since the last few weeks. Benzene supply crunch has been partly caused by plant turnarounds... Read More

China Butanediol Prices Dip After 4 Months of Surge; Profit Margins Still High
  • 21-May-2021 12:00 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

1,4-Butanediol (BDO) prices in China were on the rise since the start of Q1 this year. After persistent supply-side constraints concerning BDO buyers and record surg... Read More

European VAM Stays Strong, Material Shortage and Robust Demand Drive the Price Curve
  • 20-May-2021 06:00 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

Disturbed exports from North American markets particularly USA due to supply chain disruptions caused by Texas freeze still possess ripple effect on Vinyl Acetate Mo... Read More

European Coating Industries Ponder Over Record Surges in Butyl Acetate Prices
  • 20-May-2021 12:00 PM
  • Journalist: Robert Hume

A combination of factors prompted sharp increases in the price of Butyl acetate, a prime solvent used in paints and coatings industries. Price of n-Butyl Acetate in ... Read More

