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Sumitomo Reports Q1 Profits Decline Despite Increase in Sales Revenue
  • 22-May-2023 03:00 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

KOBE [Japan]: Sumitomo Rubber Industries ltd. reports a 45.2% drop in operating income for Qs1 despite higher sales revenue... Read More

Global Tryptophan Market Demonstrates a Pessimistic Outlook in Q1 2023
  • 22-May-2023 02:33 PM
  • Journalist: Bob Duffler

Tryptophan showcased a depreciating market sentiment throughout the first quarter of 2023. The dynamics of supply and demand in the global market, ... Read More

An Uptick in Trading Activities Elevates the Global Methyl Formate Market
  • 22-May-2023 02:15 PM
  • Journalist: Sasha Fernandes

Antwerp, Belgium- The global market saw a strengthening in the price trend for Methyl Formate in April 2023 on top of recov... Read More

A surge in Feedstock Cost Propels Succinic Acid Prices to Rise in Europe
  • 22-May-2023 01:55 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Germany - Succinic Acid market dynamics restored its position in the fourth month of 2023 owing to the inclined feedstock (Be... Read More

