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Sluggish Demand and Oversupply Weigh Down the Global Ethylene Prices
  • 20-Jun-2023 05:07 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Ethylene prices have remained subdued across the global market during the third week of June 2023 due to sluggish growth of the downstream market a... Read More

US Acetonitrile Prices Continue to Follow Upward Trend Amid Healthy Demand
  • 20-Jun-2023 03:43 PM
  • Journalist: Gabreilla Figueroa

Acetonitrile prices for both Pharmaceutical and Industrial grade showcased an upward trajectory in the USA during May 2023 and are projected to fol... Read More

European Butanediol Market Likely to Forsee Bearish Trend Amidst Slow Demand
  • 20-Jun-2023 03:22 PM
  • Journalist: Nicholas Seifield

Germany- Butanediol price dynamics in the European market continued to follow the stagnant momentum as the consumers showcase... Read More

Celanese Announces Ethylene Acrylic Elastomer Price Increase Starting from June 1, 2023
  • 20-Jun-2023 02:48 PM
  • Journalist: Shiba Teramoto

Texas, USA: On May 11, 2023, Celanese Corporation, which is a global leader in the production of specialty chemicals and diff... Read More

