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European Aniline Prices Slump in July 2023 Amid High Inventory and Lower Consumption
  • 29-Aug-2023 04:08 PM
  • Journalist: Patrick Knight

In the European region, the Aniline prices witnessed an almost 5% drop in July 2023 due to the firm availability of previous stocks in the market a... Read More

Zijin Proposes $3.8 Billion Investment for Expansion of Serbian Copper Mine
  • 29-Aug-2023 03:51 PM
  • Journalist: Francis Stokes

China's Zijin Mining Group is currently contemplating a substantial investment of approximately $3.8 billion aimed at expanding the operations of... Read More

Dwindling Demand and Inflationary Pressures Impact European NBR Prices in August 2023
  • 29-Aug-2023 03:19 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

Hamburg, Germany: The Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) market has been adversely affected by limited demand from the automotive... Read More

Global Coal Demand Envisioned to Persist at Record Levels Throughout 2023
  • 29-Aug-2023 03:12 PM
  • Journalist: Jacob Kutchner

Robust economic growth in Asia is counterbalancing the decrease in coal consumption in Europe and North America, highlighting the urgency for enhan... Read More

