

US Calcium Powder Prices Increase Amid Unprecedented Consumer Demand
US Calcium Powder Prices Increase Amid Unprecedented Consumer Demand

US Calcium Powder Prices Increase Amid Unprecedented Consumer Demand

  • 25-Oct-2023 2:08 PM
  • Journalist: Emilia Jackson

In October 2023, the Calcium Powder prices experienced a notable upsurge in the United States. This growth can be attributed to the escalating demand for Calcium Powder from various end-user industries and a scarcity of available supplies in the market. The utilization of Calcium Powder spans various industries, including paper, paint, food, and pharmaceutical sectors. Notably, these sectors have witnessed a surge in demand, consequently driving an escalation in the price of Calcium Powder.

Manufacturing activity in China slows around the start of October owing to the annual "Golden Week" holiday. The whole country was on holiday, resulting in company closures and a temporary halt in the manufacturing and transportation of produced goods, resulting in steady Calcium Powder prices in China. However, prices began to rise moderately once the holidays ended in the second week, owing to increased purchase activity from customers in both local and international markets. Market producers boosted their pricing somewhat in response to an increase in new consumer inquiries, which also led to increased Calcium Powder costs in the United States. Furthermore, the Chinese yuan experienced a depreciation against the US dollar during October. This depreciation has effectively made exports more affordable for foreign countries, particularly the United States, thereby stimulating a surge in demand for these exports, contributing to the upward trajectory of Calcium Powder prices.

The recent Federal Reserve report indicates that the economic landscape in the United States has experienced minimal fluctuations in recent weeks. Notably, there has been a gradual alleviation of labor market constraints, accompanied by a steady price rise, albeit at a more moderate pace. Furthermore, the report reveals stronger-than-anticipated growth in both retail sales and manufacturing sectors, while consumer prices persist in their upward trajectory, hovering around 4%. Also, the dollar climbed against a basket of currencies as a spate of new economic data underscored the US economy's strength compared to the United Kingdom and Europe. It was the latest indication that the US economy is withstanding the rise in interest rates caused by the Federal Reserve's drive to combat inflation. This also contributed to increased market demand in the United States, resulting in increased Calcium Powder prices.

The cost of Calcium Powder is anticipated to decrease in the upcoming months, according to the ChemAnalyst report, due to a decrease in end-user demand and an abundance of supply on the market. The US central bank clarified that even if the country has been steadily reducing inflation, the fight is far from over, and further rate increases are still possible. This might result in a drop in demand for Calcium Powder, maintaining the market's downward trend.

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