

TC Energy's NGTL Gas Pipeline Break Leads to Wildfire Outbreak in Alberta
TC Energy's NGTL Gas Pipeline Break Leads to Wildfire Outbreak in Alberta

TC Energy's NGTL Gas Pipeline Break Leads to Wildfire Outbreak in Alberta

  • 18-Apr-2024 5:39 PM
  • Journalist: Nina Jiang

A segment of TC Energy's NGTL gas pipeline network in Alberta experienced a rupture and subsequent fire on Tuesday, leading to the ignition of a wildfire in a remote location, as reported by the company. TC Energy conveyed that the initial ignition of natural gas at the rupture site has been extinguished, and efforts are underway to support Alberta Wildfire in containing a secondary fire. The company emphasized that there were no injuries resulting from the incident and that it is collaborating closely with first responders in the affected region. The fire originated approximately 40 km (25 miles) northwest of Edson, Alberta, within Yellowhead County, with Canadian broadcaster Global News noting a visible plume of flames and smoke spanning several kilometers.

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) conducted preliminary investigations, which suggested that a rupture in the gas pipeline caused the fire, now under control. TC Energy promptly took measures to isolate and shut down the affected section of the NGTL system, ensuring the rest of the system's continued operation with no commercial disruptions. Additionally, the CER announced plans to dispatch inspectors to the site to oversee the company's response efforts and assess the incident's impact.

NGTL operates as TC Energy's system for gathering and transporting natural gas, enabling the transfer of gas sourced from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (WCSB) to markets across Canada and the United States.

TC Energy Corporation (formerly known as TransCanada Corporation) is a significant energy enterprise in North America, headquartered in the TC Energy Tower in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It specializes in the development and operation of energy infrastructure across Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The company's operations are structured around three primary sectors: Natural Gas Pipelines, Liquids Pipelines, and Energy.

TC Energy constructs and maintains secure and dependable energy infrastructure. This encompasses our extensive network of natural gas pipelines, spanning 93,600 kilometers (58,100 miles). These pipelines deliver over 30 percent of the clean-burning natural gas utilized daily throughout North America, serving as a vital energy source for heating homes, powering industries, and generating electricity. TC Energy's current oil and liquids pipeline network spans approximately 4,900 kilometers (3,045 miles), linking Alberta's crude oil resources to refining markets in the United States, including those in Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, and the U.S. Gulf Coast. The Keystone Pipeline System, the company's largest liquids pipeline asset, transports around 20 percent of Western Canadian crude oil exports to vital refining markets.

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