

Pulsar Helium Brings the Tunu Project to Utilize Greenland’s Helium Reserve Potential
Pulsar Helium Brings the Tunu Project to Utilize Greenland’s Helium Reserve Potential

Pulsar Helium Brings the Tunu Project to Utilize Greenland’s Helium Reserve Potential

  • 11-Sep-2023 2:55 PM
  • Journalist: Harold Finch

Minnesota (USA): Helium gas prices in the US market have been trending upwards, despite the abundance of this gas in the Earth's core. However, the rising extraction costs are driving the momentum of Helium prices in an upward direction. Pulsar Helium, the sole owner of the Tunu Project, is strategically harnessing the abundant Helium reserves in Greenland to strengthen critical supply chains. The Tunu Project primarily covers Liverpool Land in East Greenland, encompassing vast coastal regions and inland territories.

This project offers year-round accessibility through the Nerlerit Inaat (CNP) airport, conveniently located just 5km to the west, and seasonal access via water vessels. After undergoing comprehensive chemical analysis at two separate laboratories, including one at the University of Toronto, the results confirmed that the gas is non-combustible and contains an impressive 10.5% Helium content, marking it as one of the highest-grade Helium discoveries.

While Greenland's climate may not pose significant temperature challenges, there are ongoing concerns related to infrastructure development. Basement highs hold promise for natural resource exploration, as they can influence the migration and trapping of valuable energy sources or mineral-rich fluids, such as Helium. Furthermore, fracture systems within these basement highs and regions with younger sediment deposits are crucial for the migration and potential retention of gases.

The US government and other Helium manufacturers are increasingly focusing on utilizing its availability to address the shortage in the global market and establish themselves as major Helium resources for the overseas market. In this endeavor, the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), located in the Canadian province, plays a significant role. Canada possesses the world's fifth-largest Helium reserves, and given its potential to be extracted alongside natural gas, Alberta has the opportunity to emerge as a substantial Helium supplier.

Several major sectors stand to benefit from the untapped Helium reserves in the coming years, including the medical and healthcare sectors, where Helium is essential for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans and cryogenics. It is also vital for other imaging methods used to detect serious ailments such as cancer and heart disease. Additionally, Helium plays a crucial role in the automotive, aerospace, and computing sectors, where it is essential for various applications like semiconductors, leak detection, welding, testing, and airbag systems. According to ChemAnalyst, Helium prices are expected to continue rising in the US market due to the sustained demand for the gas and the increasing extraction and production costs, which will impact the overall market prices of Helium.

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