

European Companies Get US Grants for Small Modular Reactor Projects
European Companies Get US Grants for Small Modular Reactor Projects

European Companies Get US Grants for Small Modular Reactor Projects

  • 13-Sep-2023 6:30 PM
  • Journalist: Li Hua

Numerous companies hailing from Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic have been awarded grants under the Phoenix Project, led by the United States. These grants are designated to finance feasibility studies aimed at the transformation of coal-fired power plants into nuclear facilities utilizing small modular reactor (SMR) technologies.

The announcement of these grants was unveiled by John Kerry, the US special climate envoy, during the Three Seas initiative summit held in Bucharest. The recipients of these grants encompass a range of companies, notably including Slovenske Elektrarne, a Slovak utility company, Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE), a Polish SMR plant developer, and the Czech mining company Sokolovska Uhelna, in collaboration with SUAS Group.

Slovenske Elektrarne had previously entered into an agreement with local industry stakeholders to seek financing through the Phoenix Project. The company's primary objective is to delve into the deployment of SMRs within Slovakia. The feasibility study to be conducted by Slovenske Elektrarne will meticulously assess various SMR types that align with the specific requirements of the Slovak power industry. Additionally, it will delve into the costs associated with the construction and operation of these nuclear plants. This study also plays a crucial role in facilitating the preparation of permitting procedures and construction timelines. Five specific sites have been singled out for intensive study: the existing nuclear stations of Bohunice and Mochovce, as well as the locations of three thermal power plants—Novaky, Vojany, and US Steel Kosice.

In Poland, Orlen Synthos Green Energy (OSGE) is diligently working on the deployment of SMR plants at seven different sites across the nation, utilizing GE Hitachi's BWRX-300 technology. The grant awarded to OSGE is poised to expedite these critical projects. Earlier, in April, the US Exim Bank and the US International Development Finance Corporation formalized their intent to jointly provide up to $4 billion in grants to OSGE. These funds are intended to bolster the potential deployment of SMRs.

Meanwhile, reports from the Czech Republic indicate that Sokolovska Uhelna is contemplating the deployment of SMR plants at the Tisova and Vresova thermal power plants. This strategic move aligns with the company's overarching plan to transition away from coal-fired energy generation and coal processing.

The Phoenix Project was initially introduced by John Kerry at the Cop27 climate summit held in Egypt the previous year. Its core mission revolves around furnishing US support for feasibility studies and related activities geared towards converting coal-fired power plants into SMR-based facilities. This initiative is particularly attuned to bolstering energy security goals for countries situated in Central and Eastern Europe.

According to Slovenske Elektrarne, the grant competition was open to 17 countries across the region, with the US government earmarking a total of $8 million to fund these grants.

In summary, several companies from Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic have secured grants through the US-led Phoenix Project. These grants are instrumental in financing feasibility studies for the conversion of coal-fired power plants into nuclear facilities employing small modular reactor (SMR) technologies. The initiative, spearheaded by US special climate envoy John Kerry, is a testament to the commitment to address climate change and energy security in Central and Eastern Europe.

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