Woodside and Keppel Data Centres Reach an Agreement on The Supply of Liquid Hydrogen

  • 27-Apr-2023
  • Journalist: Jaideep

Australia: Woodside, an energy company based in Australia, and Keppel Data Centres, the data centre division of Keppel Corporation, have recently signed a non-binding Heads of Agreement (HOA) to assess the possibility of providing liquid Hydrogen to Singapore. The liquid Hydrogen would be produced by Woodside's facilities.

Woodside will be providing liquid Hydrogen from its upcoming production plants, which includes the proposed H2Perth facility located in Perth, Western Australia.

The parties have reached an agreement following the feasibility studies they began in late 2021. The signed HOA sets out a pathway for joint development of additional commercial principles relating to important Hydrogen supply chain agreements. The agreement also outlines the potential purchase of around 1,000 tonnes of liquid Hydrogen per day by Keppel Data Centres as early as 2030, with expectations that associated production technologies and shipping systems will be fully matured by then.

Keppel Data Centers and other parties involved anticipate that the implementation of a Hydrogen supply chain will bring numerous benefits to Keppel's facilities, including the Datapark+. This innovative, eco-friendly data center park in Singapore aims to minimize its Carbon footprint by using Hydrogen as its primary energy source. This means a significant reduction in emissions associated with conventional data centers that rely on Carbon-intensive energy sources.

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